I took the test for the first time a few months ago, and then I was introduced to an amazing singer/songwriter, Ryan O'Neal, who wrote a song for each enneagram type. Every lyric, every musical sound, even down to the process of recording the song was inspired by how each type thinks. You can listen to his enneagrama album on iTunes Podcasts. His recent release was the enneagram 7 (finally!). I've copied the lyrics below for y'all to take a look:
How nice it'd be if we could try everything
I'm serious, let's make a list and just begin
"What about danger?" So what. "What about risk?"
Let's climb the mountain before we cross that bridge!
'Cause I'm restless, I'm restless, I'm restless
For whatever comes next
How wonderful to see a smile on your face
It costs farewell tears for a welcome-home parade
A secret handshake between me and my one life:
I'll find the silver lining no matter what the price
'Cause I'm hungry, oh I'm hungry, I'm hungry
For whatever comes next
Let me tell you another secret of the trade-
It feels like sinking when I'm standing in one place
So I look to the future and I book another flight
When everything feels heavy, I've learned to travel light
But I want to be here
Truly. Be. Here
To watch the ones that I love bloom
And I want to make room
To love them through and through and through
And through the slow and barren seasons too
I feel hope
Deep in my bones
Tomorrow will be beautiful
And I'm ready. God I'm ready, oh I'm ready
Restless and hungry, but I'm ready
For whatever comes next

Every line of the song rings so true. O'Neal writes these songs to bring out the beauty of each enneagram type. Where people would call a type 7 unfocused and lack commitment and unfocused, he shows their beauty for their passion and sense of adventure. Sevens constantly move because they want to avoid their own pain, but they are also the ones who are great counselors to help others through their pain. Sevens aren't afraid of pain, they just want to avoid their own. As a Biblical Christian who follows Jesus, God has revealed so much about my heart through this. He has reminded me that I do not have to be afraid to talk about my pain with Him, 1. because He already knows my heart! and 2. because if I don't deal with my pain then bitterness will grow in my heart toward God and toward other people who have nothing to do with my pain. When I let myself feel my pain then I am drawn back to my Heavenly Father who is the only One who can heal my wounds.
"The LORD is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit." (Psalm 34:18)
"Those who look to Him are radiant, and their faces shall never be ashamed." (Psalms 34:5)
God knew my personality type even before I was born. He created my personality. He created your personality. He loves our personalities, and He wants to show us how He plans to use our personalities for the purpose to serve and glorify Him.
"For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them." (Ephesians 2:10)
Embrace the personality that you have been given. Your personality has a purpose in this world, and you are so important in this world to further God's kingdom.
To learn more about the enneagram personality types go to the link below:
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