Saturday, August 13, 2011

In A Blink

I can't believe it's August and summer is about to come to an end! It seems like just last week I was boarding an air plane for Moldova. Who knew two months would fly by so fast! The American life can go by in a blink of an eye. You can leave the country for three months (my best friends boyfriend got back last week from a 3 month mission trip in Africa) and when you come back of course you have to get back into your American routine but after a few days or weeks it is so easy to slip right back into the American way of life. If you think about it, we live like New Yorkers live---fast paced. We're so wrapped up in our own world with school, work, friends, extra curiculars, money--I could go on. You have to force yourself to sit back and look at what all God has done and is doing in your life. Reflect on what He did through the opportunities He gave you. Like for me, Moldova was an amazing experience, but like after church camp, you can lose the feeling. Everyone is back home and living their own lives and I have to re-read my journal and look at pictures to remember that week in a half that I was in Moldova. God has blessed me so much this summer. Whether the blessing came from a drought, rain, sadness, brokenness, happiness, or joyfulness, God has given me AMAZING opportunities this summer. And He's also let me make mistakes so that I could learn from them. And when I start to forget what He has taught me while I was in Moldova and when I forget this Fall what He did for me this summer, He will always find a way to remind me so that I will never forget. Because lets face it, humans do not have the best memory when it comes to correcting our ways. So I challenge to whoever reads this to find time in their week to slow down and reflect and remember what God has done for them. If you're jealous that your friend has a nicer house or car then you, thank God that He even gave you a house and a car. It's not ours anyways. God can take it away just like that and give it to someone else. Also be thankful you have a family. One of the many things I learned while in Moldova was that God could of placed me in an Asian family, African, or Russian but He chose America. And I am eternally grateful for that. So that's my two cents for today.  Slow down. Be grateful. Don't let life be gone in a blink of an eye.

Molly Rae :)


  1. Nice post! I agree, if we don't take time to slow down we easily forget al the great things God had done in our lives. I sincerely hate routine and I hate it when I'm too busy because I believe it's a way the devil uses to distract us from God. But yet I hate not having anything to do because you waste time doing the wrong things. We just have to find a balance and yes, being grateful at ALL times is essential. I'm grateful for my family. Even for the little things like where I'm from. I'm grateful I'm Nigerian. Praise God!
    Nice blog. I love writing too. Now following :)

    Tell the World

    1. It's almost been 3 years and these words have reminded me of God's work in the past and gives me hope that He's still at work! Thank you for the encouragement and I hope you are doing well in life! Let me know if you need any prayer for anything!

      Love your sister in Christ,

  2. In a blink, indeed. Does it feel like it's been a year since this picture was taken, Molly? :-)

    I look at this picture and I see a special group of people, just like the group that went this year (2012), including a lot of familiar faces that I hope will be on next year's trip.

    Something you said last year is just as true this year: "but after a few days or weeks it is so easy to slip right back into the American way of life... You have to force yourself to sit back and look at what all God has done and is doing in your life." Since coming back from Moldova, not a day has gone by that I haven't thought about Birnova, the kids, the old folks, our interpreters, the well, and our group. Like you, I have to stop every now & then to look at the pictures and read through my journal to remind me of what God did and continues to do for/through me, and how I need to seize those opportunities. Otherwise, I blink, and another year has gone by and not much has changed.

    This is my way of thanking you for kicking my butt back into gear with your writing. I truly enjoy your writing, and am glad I get to call you friend!

    Love in Christ,
    Mr. Al

    1. Al,
      I'm looking back at my old blog writings late at night and I come across your comment. Thank you for your encouraging word every time you say something! I hope one day we both get to return to Moldova. But for now we must be on mission here in our American lives, loving the people around us like we do in Moldova. It's hard some times to be at home instead of overseas, but some times obeying God is staying rather than going.
      Thank you again Al for everything.

      In Christ,
