Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Mission '12

Sorry for the prolonged delay of writing about Mission '12. Every time I think about writing I can't find the words to express the amazing week of watching sixth graders building relationships and sharing their faith with kids in our own city! How can I describe the impact that God had impressed upon me by watching the sixth graders? I've been on many mission trips before and I've always hit the exhaustion wall and I've always pushed passed it. Even though Mission '12 was the easiest mission trip, 4 hours of work in the morning and then go back to the church for the rest of the day, I felt unbelievably exhausted! And it wasn't because the sun was extremely hot because God provided nice weather except for two days when the sun was out, and even then it wasn't too hot. Even when my legs felt heavy and I just wanted to lie down, I found the strength to continue leading and loving on the kids.

This strength was the same strength I had in Joplin where I spent all day picking up debris on a farm. Where does this strength come from? The only One who can give it me. When you work wholeheartedly for the Lord you'll be amazed at what you can do through His strength. And not just physically, mentally and spiritually as well. God provided verses everyday for my group devotions (I had planned in advance what to do for devotions but God had better verses in mind each day!) God stretched me that week. He has been preparing me for this leading opportunity way longer than a month ago. Whatever goes on in your life don't think that it's pointless. God has a reason for you in that situation or conversation or leader position. It doesn't matter if you're not qualified either.

God doesn't call the qualified, He qualifies the called.

And the best part about this mission trip, we didn't have to say goodbye at the end of the week! We got to meet the kids families and be used by God to help the East Fielder campus! There is a chance we will see these kids again and it makes me so incredibly happy to see kids and adults in our city excited about coming to the new Fielder campus! The Chris Tomlin song "God of this City" comes to my mind when I think about this mission trip.   Watch out city of Arlington, there's a revival coming that's roaring like a lion! :)

Molly Rae


  1. GEERRROWWLLL! Very well written, Molly. I am continually touched by the heart that you have for furthering the Kingdom of God. I really enjoy reading your writings. Keep up the good work, girl. I am so glad that you are getting to be a part of some amazing ministry opportunities and that you have the need to share your experiences. You are a blessing.

    1. Thanks Mrs. Steadman! God truly uses people like you to give me affirmation! I am so lucky to have wonderful godly people in my life! :)
