Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Valentines Day: Waiting on Love.

There are 325 verses in the Bible that talk about love. Which brings me to my next statement. God Is Love.

Today is what single people say is "Single Awareness Day." And usually the singles are bitter because they see couples walking around and displaying their love for each other in the most romantic ways that make you a tiny bit jealous and wish that you had someone. I know. I've been single all my life. I will admit that at times I want to so desparately to have a boyfriend, especially for Valentines Day. I want someone to shower me with gifts, to hold my hand as we walk side-by-side, to kiss me goodnight, to love me so much that they would die for me! But then I rememember something. I already have that love that would die for me! God sent His Son to this earth to DIE FOR ME! He became man, lived a perfect life, and was humilated on the cross and shed His blood to cover my sins! No one can ever like me that much but Christ!

Now wait... I'm not saying that I never want to get married because I DO! I also believe that Christ's love is enough. And that's why I KNOW that God has a plan for me and He's kept me single for a reason, and that if my husband is somewhere out there that He will bring him to me on HIS timing. Waiting is the toughest part though. I want to meet my husband now but I must sit and wait on the Lord.

So to me today isn't "Single Awareness Day." Today is a reminder of Christ's love for mankind and the hope and faith that God will bring me my husband in HIS timing. Happy Valentines Day to all the happy couples out there. I love y'all so very much!

1 comment:

  1. I love the title: waiting on love. It's so perfect because that is what God has called us to do. To not awaken love. To wait. I feel so sad for those who don't get it.
