Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Nǐ hǎo!

Today I finished day 3 of training. I've met my team and we've absorbed a lot of information about the Chinese culture and how to teach English to ESL students just in the last couple days. Today we learned who our teacher assistants will be, and we've all chosen a theme for our classrooms. I will be a teacher for second and third graders and my classroom theme will be the woodlanders! I've been learning a few Chinese greetings and phrases such as:

Nǐ hǎo - Hello.
Wǒ jiào Molly. - I am called Molly.
Wǒ shì lǎo shī. - I am a teacher.

I am so excited to be part of this team as we learn about each other, and about the people we all desire to love, serve and work with. Our Father really is a good, good Father to have brought this team together. 
However, I wouldn't be honest if I did not say that I am nervous. I am nervous because I have a small voice inside of me that is telling me that I can't do it. That I can't teach, I can't make lesson plans, I can't prepare and be organized, I can't learn how to speak the language, I can't live in another culture other than my own, I can't build relationships with a stranger. I can't do this because I am aware of my inadequacies. I know myself. I know where my strengths lack. That is why I am insecure and afraid. BUT, those weaknesses are also my strength. How is that? My insecurity and fear always leads me to where I find my confidence and hope.

Just as Peter stepped out of the boat without fear because he wanted to be near to his Teacher. Peter only started to sink because he realized the enormous storm that he had jumped into, but Peter knew exactly what to do when he was afraid. He called out for help. His fear made him aware of his inadequacies to save himself, and he immediately called out to his Savior because he believed that He alone can save.

I decided to jump out of my comfortable boat in America because of the same passion Peter had for our Savior. Even now as I am getting closer to getting on that plane and becoming fearful and worried, I know that my Helper is with me and will be with me. Just look at how far I've come since I first graduated from high school! Look at everything Father has done through me! I traveled to places I've never dreamed of going, I've done things that I never thought I could. I graduated college! In all of these things I've had the temptation to stop and give up because of fear and insecurities. But my Father sustained me and He strengthened me. He saw me through, and sometimes carried me, till I got to the end. That was because of grace. 

So as I sit here and process everything that's happened in the last three days, I am asking for my friends and family to yarp for me. For diligence in planning and preparing, for provision, for strength, for wisdom, for the hearts that I will have the opportunity to teach, to love, and to tell them the love our Father has for them. Yarp for a relationship to build between us and our TA's, because we will be spending a lot of time together and we will have opportunities on the weekends to hang out with them. Yarp intentionality and open hearts! 

Thank you

Teacher Molly


1 comment:

  1. I'll be praying for you daily as you start this journey.

